Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday interacted with the students who were allegedly beaten up by police in Prayagraj via video conference.

Gandhi assured the students to raise their issues at every forum and promised to meet them in person. “Do not be afraid. We stand with students. I will raise this issue in every forum. Ensure that elections are held on real issues like employment. The government does not give a job rather oppresses students. Now when leaders come to ask for votes, fix their accountability,” Priyanka Gandhi Vadra told students.

Congress’s Uttar Pradesh in charge said that the party has talked about a job calendar in its manifesto that will be a solution to the recruitment process hanging for years.

Students held demonstrations and blocked railway track in Prayagraj on Tuesday against alleged discrepancies in the results of Railway NTPC exams. Police allegedly mishandled the protesting students by police in Prayagraj.