Priyanka Chopra Jonas has wrapped up the shooting of her upcoming Hollywood romantic movie, ‘Text For You’, and thanked the whole team for managing it all despite the strict lockdown measures. The actress has been staying in London for the past few months for the shoot. Now, the actress took to Instagram to share an update of the movie with some behind the scene pictures. “That’s a wrap! Congratulations and Thank You to the entire cast and crew. See you at the movies,” Priyanka wrote in one post. “Last day on set! #TextForYou. Will miss this incredible crew that I’ve spent the last three months with. So special to be at work. #grateful,” she wrote in another post. In one photo, Priyanka can be seen sitting in her vanity chair and posing with the script. In another photo, she is sitting outdoors from her last day on set. ‘Text For You’ is written and directed by Jim Strouse, and is an English remake of the German-language film ‘SMS Fur Dich’, based on Sofie Cramer’s novel. The film also stars Sam Heughan. Nick Jonas is expected to make a cameo in the film.


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