The gorgeous ‘Citadel’ star Priyanka Chopra, who opened her New York restaurant Sona in 2021, will no longer be associated with the eatery. According to People, PeeCee will no longer be associated with Sona. A spokesperson in a statement said, “Priyanka has stepped away from her partnership at Sona. Bringing Sona to life will invariably be a proud and significant moment in her career.” Further, the representative added, Priyanka has always strived to bring Indian culture to the fore, whether it is through her films and shows, or beautifully plated dishes. However, stepping away from Sona doesn’t mean that her journey in the hospitality and food section is over.

Meanwhile, on the professional front, PeeCee was last seen in the Russo Brothers’ Citadel, co-starring Richard Madden, and the rom-com Love Again alongside Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. Next, she will be seen in Heads Of State, with Idris Elba and John Cena.