The gorgeous Citadel star Priyanka Chopra took to her official Instagram handle and shared some adorable glimpses of her baby girl Malti Marie. In the first picture, the baby girl can be seen sitting inside an empty suitcase. MM looked cute in white nightwear and purple sandals. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “We’re ready for THE TOUR [Nick Jonas].”

Take a look at Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram story


The gorgeous mother-daughter duo also meet up PeeCee’s manager and friend Anjula Acharia. Anjula dropped a selfie of the three of them and captioned it, “Reunited with the shady ladies.” PeeCee also re-shared the picture on her Instagram stories and wrote, “Missed you [Anjula Acharia].”

Have a look

In another picture, the baby girl can be seen standing inside a room wearing a printed off-white kurta and pyjama paired with little earrings. In the caption, PeeCee wrote, “”Sundays are for kurta pajamas.”

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Anjula also posted more pictures of Malti in the kurta pajama set.

Have a look