New Delhi: Creating a flutter recently as it made it to the race for an Oscar nomination, Bittu has caught the attention of every individual. Adding to the buzz, actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently extended her support to the fundraiser event organised by Indian Women Rising, a cinema collective that backs the film to aid the education of Rani and Renu Kumari, the leading pair in the film.

The short film featured first-time actors from Uttarakhand – Rani and Renu Kumari who have created an impact on the audience across the globe with their surreal performance on the screen. The film is written and directed by Karishma Dev Dube, who has been receiving a lot of appreciation for her unconventional casting and remarkable writing.

The film is being supported by Indian Women Rising, a cinema collective founded by Ekta Kapoor, Guneet Monga, Tahira Kashyap Khurrana and Ruchikaa Kapoor Sheikh. Initiating a fundraiser recently in collaboration with ‘Educate Girls USA’ , an NGO founded by Safeena Husain, the team aims to raise funds for the education of the young leads Rani and Renu Kumari.

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Priyanka Chopra Jonas interacted with the girls and pledged her support. In awe of the film and the authenticity and the reality of it, Priyanka gave a big shout out to the fundraiser urging people to support this beautiful cause. Supporting and standing by the cause herself Priyanka also told the girls that she would love to meet them someday. The film Bittu is in the run for Oscar nomination, the results of which will be out on 15 March.