New Pictures of Priyanka Chopra and her family enjoying Holi festivities in India were shared on social media. The renowned actress, who arrived in India earlier this month for an event, opted to extend her stay to partake in Holi celebrations with loved ones. Videos and images of the global icon reveling in the festival surfaced on social media on Monday and have since gained significant traction. Now, Reena Chopra, the actress’s aunt and mother of cousin Parineeti Chopra, has shared exclusive photos from the Holi gathering.
She captioned the post as, “Happy Holi!! #family Meeting our little Malti was the icing on the cake.”
A day after photos and videos of the Citadel star’s Holi celebrations gained widespread attention, she delighted her Instagram followers with more pics from the festivities.
Priyanka Chopra captioned the post as, “Holi was lit. Thank you @tam2cul @sudeepdutt for creating such a warm atmosphere for our family! So much fun.”
Images from the extravagant celebrations quickly spread like wildfire across social media platforms. One video captured Priyanka and Nick dancing in sync to Holi songs. Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra, brother Siddharth Chopra, and cousin Mannara Chopra were visible in various photographs. These images were posted by a fan page devoted to Priyanka Chopra.
Sharing the pictures, the fan page wrote, “Happy holi from the Chopras.”
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas embraced parenthood with the arrival of their daughter Malti Marie through surrogacy in January 2022. Their love story began at the prestigious Met Gala 2017, where they attended as representatives of designer Ralph Lauren. The couple tied the knot at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in 2018. Additionally, Nick Jonas made a cameo appearance in Priyanka Chopra’s film “Love Again” alongside Celine Dion and Sam Heughan.
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