Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is ready to get engaged to her beau, political leader Raghav Chadha today. And, bridesmaid Priyanka Chopra has arrived in India for the celebrations. The Citadel star was spotted at Indira Gandhi International Airport as she reached Delhi for the pre-wedding festivities. The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. 

The actress as always made all heads turn with her arrival in India. PeeCee chose to go all comfy with her airport look. She wore a brown coloured oversized hoodie and paired it with the same coloured tracks. The Citadel star completed her look with a black coloured cap, sunglasses, black coloured tote bag, and black coloured footwear. Well, she has arrived alone without her husband and daughter Malti Marie Chopra.

Check out the viral video below

The function will take place in Delhi today. Apart from their family members and close friends, several public figures will reportedly attend the engagement ceremony. Raghav Chadha’s Delhi residence has been decked up with flowers and candles ahead of the pre-wedding ceremony.