Following a tragic school bus accident resulting in the loss of six young lives and injuries to nearly two dozen students, the Haryana government has taken a firm stance against private school owners and operators found violating regulations. Despite the severity of the situation, the Private School Association has adopted a defensive stance, offering controversial suggestions and deflecting responsibility.
In a recent press conference, Kul Bhushan Sharma, the State President of the Private School Association, shocked many with his response to inquiries about the intoxicated driver involved in the accident. Sharma suggested that if the driver was indeed under the influence, the Haryana Government should consider implementing a liquor ban similar to Gujarat. Furthermore, the association failed to provide satisfactory answers regarding the practice of opening schools on holidays or address concerns about the accident.
In the wake of government scrutiny and corrective measures, private schools find themselves in turmoil. While the association claims not to oppose government actions, schools are grappling with the repercussions of increased government oversight. Across districts, authorities are intensifying inspections of private buses, revealing widespread non-compliance with documentation and licensing requirements, particularly regarding drivers’ qualifications.
Despite citing financial obligations to the government, the Private School Association remained silent on providing assistance to the families of the deceased schoolchildren. When questioned about the association’s response to the tragedy, Sharma faltered, admitting to indecision. Notably, the association shifted blame, alleging government coercion in using private school buses for political rallies. Sharma claimed that the government pressured schools to provide buses for rallies, even alleging that 436 buses were commandeered for a recent Faridabad rally without compensation.
Amid mounting criticism, the Private School Association’s responses have only fueled controversy, deflecting attention from addressing systemic shortcomings and failing to offer meaningful support to those affected by the tragic incident.
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