FIR registered against college Principal for allegedly causing mental harassment to female teacher resulting in her death. Navab Jasra Singh Ahluwalia, the principal of the government College in Kapurthala, has been charged following allegations of mentally disturbing a female teacher at the college. The complaint has been filed by the teacher’s mother, Jasvir Kaur, asserting that her daughter, who was an instructor at the college, faced excessive workload imposed by Principal Teerath Ram Basra, ultimately leading to her demise. Notably, the principal is currently absconding, and in protest, family members and employee union leaders staged a demonstration outside the college premises.

According to the family, their daughter, Rajvinder Kaur, had been actively working as a teacher at the mentioned college for several years. The accused principal’s undue burden on her work allegedly deteriorated her health. aOn December 15, when Rajvinder Kaur fell severely ill, she was admitted to a private hospital in Kapurthala. However, her condition did not improve, and she was later transferred to a hospital in Mohali, where unfortunately, her health didn’t recover, resulting in her demise on December 30.

The family demands justice from the police. Based on the statements provided by the deceased’s family, the police have registered an FIR against the principal. The accused principal is reported to be currently absconding from police custody.”