Dibrugarh University ragging incident prime accused Rahul Chetry has surrendered before Assam police. Cherry has been untraceable since November 27, when an M Com student allegedly jumped off a hostel building to escape further harassment. Shwetank Mishra, Superintendent of Police of Dibrugarh district said that, he surrendered at Lekhapani Police Station in the neighbouring Tinsukia district.

“Police have so far arrested seven persons in connection with the Dibrugarh University ragging incident,” the SP of Dibrugarh district said.

A case has been registered by Dibrugarh Police based on a complaint filed by Sharma’s parents against five persons allegedly involved in the incident.

Anand Sharma, an M Com student of the state-run Dibrugarh University had allegedly jumped off the hostel building on 27 November to evade any further harassment and he found this major step as the only resort following the constant harassment by his seniors. Sharma was immediately rushed to a private hospital and his condition is said to be critical. 

As informed by the Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner Biswajit Pegu, a Magisterial Inquiry has been ordered that will be lead by Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Sanghamitra Baruah will lead the inquiry.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has said that there has “definitely been neglect” on the part of the university in the ragging incident.
“We have a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging. I have instructed the Deputy Commissioner to provide all possible help to the victim. If the parents of the victim want to shift him outside of the state for better treatment, I request Education Minister to facilitate everything. Police will arrest those who are still absconding. If there is any complicity with the authority, we will not spare them also,” said the chief minister.