Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal on Thursday said President Droupadi Murmu will give health gift to the people of the state on 29 November with the launch of Mukhyamantri Swasthya Survekshan Yojana in Kurukshetra town under which a health survey of more than 1.60 crore Antyodaya families will be done.
“The data of health services, being provided to 1.8 crore people, is available under the e-treatment scheme. Universal portal of e-Upchar will be developed to collect health data of all such people,” said the Chief Minister while presiding over the review meeting of Chirayu Haryana Yojana and Mukhyamantri Swasthya Sarvekshan Yojana implemented by the Health Department.
The Chief Minister said the work of making the Chirayu Haryana Yojana cards should be done at a fast pace so that people can avail the scheme benefits as soon as possible.
December 5, the distribution of 10 lakh golden cards to be given under this scheme should be ensured at the village and ward level, said Khattar.
“Under the Chirayu Yojana about 28 lakh Antyodaya families should be ensured the health benefits at the earliest. No laxity will be tolerated in this work. Under this scheme, health benefits of Rs 5 lakh would be provided to each family. The government is committed to providing health benefits to these beneficiaries,” he said. The Chief Minister said for the convenience of the public, call centres should be set up at the village level so that any queries related to the scheme can be addressed easily.
He said that a third party administrator should be involved in the evaluation of the Chirayu from time to time and share the actual report with the government. The finalisation of the third party administrator should be done in the coming week.