At the Air Force Academy (AFA) in Dundigal, close to Hyderabad, President Droupadi Murmu reviewed the Combined Graduation Parade (CGP) of the 211th Course on Saturday morning in full military splendour.
According to AFA officials, this is the first time in the organization’s history that the President has served as the reviewing officer. The Air Force Academy in Dundigul is now hosting the CGP parade.
The Pre-Commissioning Training of flight cadets from different branches of the Indian Airforce is successfully completed when CGP is held. An official release stated that during the parade, which will signify the successful conclusion of training, ranks on the shoulders of the Flight Cadets are uncovered, symbolising the award of the President’s Commission.
In accordance with the branch they are being commissioned into, the RO may additionally pin the cadets’ “Wings” and “Brevets” on their chests. According to an official release, the ceremony includes the awarding of “Wings” and “Brevets” to commanders of the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, and cadets from friendly foreign countries that the Air Force has taught.
According to the announcement, the Flight Cadet of the Flying Branch who places first in the Order of Merit will have the honour of leading the parade and receive both the President’s Plaque and the “Sword of Honour” as a reward for their efforts.
The President’s Plaque will also be given to the Flight Cadet who places first overall in the Ground Duty Section of the Order of Merit.
The Pilatus PC-7 trainer aircraft will do an aerobatic performance after the parade, followed by a fly-past by a formation of PC-7, a Su-30 aerobatic show, and synchronous aerobatic displays by the Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team and the helicopter display team “Sarang,” according to the press release.