President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday said that tackling the coronavirus pandemic was bound to be more difficult in India due to high population density and limitation of resources in a developing economy but people have “shown an unmatched resolve” against the coronavirus. In his address on the eve of the 73rd Republic Day, the President said: “The world has never been in so much need of help as now. It has been over two years now and humankind is still battling with the coronavirus, hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and the world economy has been reeling under the impact.” The President said the world has suffered from unprecedented misery, and surge after surge of new variants have been posing new crises.
“It has been an extraordinary challenge to humankind. The pandemic management was bound to be all the more difficult in India. We have a high population density, and as a developing economy, we did not have the level of resources and infrastructure needed to battle this invisible enemy. But it is only in such difficult times that the resilience of a nation shines forth,” he said.
“I am proud to say that we have shown an unmatched resolve against the coronavirus,” he added.
The President said that the vaccination drive against Covid-19 is progressing at a quick pace in the country.