MUMBAI: Actor Preity Zinta on Sunday expressed happiness on seeing people resuming to their pre-pandemic routines. Preity is currently staying with her husband Gene Goodenough in the USA, where half of all adults are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Taking to Instagram, Preity shared a video of people hanging out with each other.
“Feels awesome to see people out and about enjoying each other’s company after months of being locked in their homes. Of course it helps that most of the people have been vaccinated ! Here’s to life getting back to normal and people enjoying the simple things in life,” she wrote.
Reacting to the video, actor Diana Penty commented: “Pheww…normalcy.” Preity had taken a social media break for a while. Only a few days ago, she ended her digital detox. “Best way to come back after a digital detox — a throwback picture from a few days ago when we went out to dinner after 18 months. The only thing constant in life is Change and here’s to embracing it while trying to social distance #Ting,” Preity had written.