In India, any wedding would be incomplete without the colour red. Likewise, any bride would be incomplete without proper grooming. For a girl, the wedding is the most special day of her life, it›s the beginning of a new life with her partner. The wedding indicates a significant change in the life of a traditional Indian woman. Being the spotlight of the day or the evening, a bride becomes the centre of attraction at her wedding. This is where the concept of the bride being the epitome of beauty has come from.

The grooming sessions for a bride begin a month or two before the wedding day. It is the preparation for a bride to look her best on her special day. Everything about the bride should be perfect. The spa treatments for the brides are aimed at detoxifying, remineralising, and rejuvenating her. This is the time to indulge and pamper the bride to the maximum. I would advise any bride to drink warm water every morning. This will start the detoxification process. Fresh fruit juices will aid the process. A glass of milk with one or two saffron strands at night will also help her skin become smooth. She should include dried fruits like figs and dates and nuts like almonds in her diet. It is best to follow a light vegetarian diet.

How to take care of your face?

Who would not want to be glowing on the big day of her life? Here are some tips for the soon to be bride girl. Nothing can ever beat the CTOM regime to get a glow onto your skin. This includes Cleansing, Toning, Oiling, and Moisturising which makes the skin look radiant. This helps the skin to breathe better and stay fresh.

Give the bride an instant glow facial with this face pack. Mash papaya and add a spoon of milk powder to it and two drops of lavender essential oil. Apply this all over the neck and face. Leave for 20 minutes. Gently massage your face with wet hands while the pack is still on and then rinse off after 20 minutes. Use this face pack twice this week. Attend to the under-eye dark circles of the bride. You can use a professional range or some warm tea bags under the eyes to erase the darkness around the eyes.

Tips for brides to rejuvenate the skin for the D-Day

• For every bride it is extremely important to keep her face clean all the time, therefore it is a must to cleanse your face twice a day and use a toner after that.

• A good face pack can do wonders for any bride’s skin. A hydrating pack, which will moisturise the face properly, or an oxy gel pack which will revive and brighten her face, is what we recommend.

• Instead of going for a body massage, every bride should get a body scrub done. Make your “uptan” at home by mixing orange peel, sandalwood, a few rose petals, a few drops of rosewater, and a few drops of ylang-ylang oil. Apply it all over your body, scrub it well, and take a bath afterwards. You will feel your skin glowing.

• It is very normal to get dark circles during this duration with all the late-night functions and sleepless nights thereby applying an eye gel or a glossy eye pack can help in getting rid of them.

• Being a bride is not easy and usually puts you under a lot of stress. A few drops of jasmine oil or lavender oil in your bath water will soothe you and prep you up for your big day.

The writer is chairperson, Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies.