The investigation into the murder of the late Punjabi singer Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu Moosewala remains unresolved. The government led by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Punjab Police are facing criticism for their handling of the Moosewala murder investigation. Opposition leader Pratap Singh Bajwa stated that two conspirators, gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Jaggu Bhagwanpuriya, had applied to a Mansa court to clear their names. Both denied involvement in the murder and filed applications in court. Bajwa claimed that the Punjab Police, directly under the Punjab government, failed to gather concrete evidence against these gangsters. He suggested that the police had been ineffective in properly investigating the case, while Bishnoi had taken responsibility for the singer’s murder.
Bajwa mentioned that Moosewala’s father, Balkaur Singh, had previously expressed concern that evidence related to Moosewala’s murder was being erased. Despite more than 18 months passing since the murder, Moosewala’s family is still struggling to find justice. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, currently in jail, appeared on a private news channel in March 2023, taking responsibility for Moosewala’s murder. The AAP government in Punjab still does not have a clear idea of who was responsible for aiding gangsters in the interview process. Bajwa criticized the AAP government, stating that even after nine months, it has failed miserably in investigating the case.