Poll strategist Prashant Kishore is eager to become a third alternative to both BJP and the mahagathbandhan led by Nitish Kumar in Bihar. Kishore embarked on a ‘suraj yatra’ across Bihar, proclaiming himself a true Bihari and son of the soil. He promises to contest all state seats in the upcoming election. Campaigning about his past successes as a poll manager in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, he cleverly avoids mentioning his role in BJP’s 2014 Lok Sabha victory, focusing on his part in state-level victories instead.
In a hilarious viral video from Shanghai, a tiny AI robot named Erbai "kidnaps" 12…
Saif Ali Khan is hospitalized after being attacked at home during a burglary attempt; police…
Morocco's reported plan to cull stray dogs ahead of the FIFA 2030 World Cup has…
An engineer has created a ChatGPT-powered sentry rifle that uses voice commands to fire at…
MCA to approach Rohit Sharma over his availability for Ranji Trophy as the Indian skipper…
Actor Saif Ali Khan, stabbed by an intruder at home, is undergoing treatment in Mumbai.…