Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI) multi-nodal platform has had such an impact that when a project is listed for review under it, the state governments work hard to remove obstacles in its path.
He was speaking virtually at a programme to mark the completion of 20 years of the ‘State Wide Attention on Grievances by Application of Technology’ (SWAGAT), a grievance redressal platform he started as Gujarat Chief Minister in 2003.
After he became Prime Minister, he started the PRAGATI programme at the Centre to review the progress of projects of national importance, and the concept was based on the SWAGAT initiative, Modi said. In the last nine years, PRAGATI has made a huge contribution to “fast-paced development of the country,” the Prime Minister added. He has reviewed projects worth Rs 16 lakh crore under PRAGATI, he said.
“Now PRAGATI has generated such an impact that when any project is listed for review under it, all states work hard to remove obstacles faced by that project, and when it finally comes for my review, they say they have cleared the project just two days ago,” Modi said. Governance cannot be limited to only rules and regulations, it needs innovation in reaching out to the people, he added.
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