A Delhi court has granted bail to accused Pradeep Ramdanee, (one caught in a trap collecting money from Aditi Singh) in 200 crore money laundering case involving conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar.
Additional Sessions Judge Praveen Singh in an order passed last week said that considering the circumstances and the period of incarceration, the bail application of the applicant, Pradeep Ramdanee, is allowed. Ramdanee is admitted to bail after furnishing a personal bond in the sum of Rs. 1,00,000 with one surety of like amount, to the satisfaction of this court.
According to the court, the Enforcement Directorate said that the investigation into the crime is still in progress and the role of the accused may further emerge. However, merely because the ED hopes to find something against this accused, the applicant cannot be kept in custody. “Neither the basis of such hope is stated, nor it has been shown from any case diary that there is an investigation in the direction, which further shows the role of this accused,” the court noted.