The Prabha Khaitan Foundation organised the “Kalam” event series in Jaipur, where renowned author and Journalist Shiksha Varshney was the guest speaker on Monday. The event featured an engaging conversation between Shiksha Varshney and Vedula Ramalakshmi, an Ehsaas Woman from Bhuvaneshwar.
During the event, she shared her journey about how she is inculcating her national language ‘Hindi’ outside India by being a member of UK Hindi Samiti.
She firmly believes that wherever people go, they need to carry their language with them. She said, “Hindi is different in India and outside of India, because here we study it as our first language, and in London people learn it as their second language. They sometimes don’t understand the basics and need a different book to learn Hindi.”
The author said, “It took me a long time to believe in myself and publish my writings.
At the start, the first book was written as a 16-year-old girl about the observations of a 16-year-old girl, but through time my language became better.”
The session started with the PKF anthem. The opening address was given by Apra Kuchhal, Chairperson of We Care and Honorary Convenor PKF- Rajasthan & Central India Affairs. Momento was presented by the General Manager of ITC Rajputana Deependra Rana. The Audience enjoyed interacting with the author during the open session, after which they got their copies signed by the author.
KALAM is an initiative of Prabha Khaitan Foundation, in association with We Care and supported by Shree Cement as it is a CSR initiative. The series of this event are held in various cities, including the capital city, Delhi.