In a heart warming gesture of communal harmony and shared joy, Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee Chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, spread happiness among the residents of Gidderbaha by distributing sweets and diyas. This gesture comes ahead of the grand ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony for the inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, a historic event that holds immense significance for the people of India.

With an infectious enthusiasm to celebrate this momentous occasion, Raja Warring visited various neighborhoods in Gidderbaha, sharing smiles and joy with the locals. His initiative aimed at fostering unity and spreading the spirit of brotherhood as the nation gears up for the inauguration of the Ram Mandir.

In an address to the media, Raja Warring extended his heartfelt congratulations to the people of Gidderbaha on the auspicious occasion of the Ram Mandir inauguration. He emphasized that Lord Ram is not just a deity for a specific community but a revered figure for all of humanity. Raja Warring expressed his wish that the blessings of Lord Ram remain with the people of Gidderbaha, fostering peace and prosperity.During the distribution, Raja Warring personally handed out prasad in the form of oil, sweets, and diyas to the eager recipients. Each package was accompanied by a congratulatory card, symbolizing the joyous occasion and the shared sense of celebration.

Speaking to the gathered crowd, Raja Warring remarked, “Today is a great day for all of India, and it is a day to rejoice for the entire nation. The construction and inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya marks a historic moment that unites us all, transcending differences and bringing people together in the spirit of shared joy and harmony.”
The people of Gidderbaha expressed their gratitude for the thoughtful gesture, and the event served as a testimony to the power of communal harmony and the shared cultural values that bind the diverse fabric of our nation.