To make the system more transparent, Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij on Tuesday launched the web portal “Works Management System” for the management and monitoring of the development works for all the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the state. Vij said that Haryana will be the first state to introduce such a system in the country. He termed this as a revolutionary step taken in the history of Haryana.

This system will be completely paperless, centralised and webbased and will help in bringing the working of all the ULBs on a single platform. Through this online system, additional chief secretary and director of the department and Vij can easily access the progress of various development works on their dashboard and mobile phones.

 He said that for development, work processes such as administrative and financial approval, technical sanction of the estimates, allocation of work, approval of payments, monitoring of all the development works and other important procedures related to payment of bills will be carried out through this portal. This web portal will enable transparency in works being carried out in ULBs and also help in curbing corruption.

 The Minister said that directions have been issued for carrying out the allotment of development works in all municipal bodies and further completing the entire process online through this portal only. He said that officers and employees have been trained for the smooth functioning of this system and user IDs and passwords have been issued for officers who have given administrative, economic and technical approvals for work at various levels. 

With the help of this portal, complete details will be made available on it from the commencement of any development work till its completion. Vij said that the details of processes followed before and after the e-tendering of any project will be made available on this portal. Besides this, the workbook will also be available on it. The system will also enable to monitor the quality of work and its completion in a time-bound manner. He said that information about any kind of delay in work completion will also be displayed on the portal.