Poonam Pandey has been detained by Canacona police of Goa for allegedly shooting a porn video. Police Inspector Tukaram Chavan, two constables and two guards employed at Chapoli Dam were suspended owing to the public pressure. The locals were upset after the video surfaced on social media. Water Resource Department, (WRD) had filed a complaint against an unknown person for shooting the video after which FIR was booked against Poonam on Tuesday evening. BJP leader Ramesh Tawadkar, Goa Forward Party leaders Mohandas Lolienkar and Prashant Naik took up the cause. Women’s wing of Goa Forward Party lodged a complaint against Poonam. An excerpt from the complaint read, “We would like to draw your attention to an alleged porn video starring Poonam which is being circulated over social media in the state. This video is a sort of assault on Goan Women and has tarnished the image of Goa. The shooting of this porn video is done at Chapoli Dam Canacona, which has shocked the people of Canacona, which is famous for its culture.” Durgadas Kamat, VP and spokesperson of Goa Forward Party said, “Video of Poonam was shot at Chapoli Dam in Canacona which is the property of WRD, Goa government. Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) issues permission for the shoot in Goa. The Chief Minister is the chairman of the ESG. The BJP government led by Pramod Sawant is promoting Goa as porn destination which is bringing bad name to the state.”
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