Pooja Hegde who was busy with Farhad Samji’s directorial Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan promotions of late, after the film’s release, flew to Mangalore. Now, she took to her official Instagram handle and shared glimpses. The actress shared glimpses from her pejakai-picking session, her quality time with dad, a video of her pet Brownie, and the meals she had. She also shared an in-flight picture of herself. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “A quick trip to Mangalore and a quick hunt for pejakai.” The actress was dressed in her festive best in a blue ensemble.
Take a look at Pooja Hegde’s Instagram post
Pooja also shared a throwback picture with Salman Khan. In the caption, she wrote, “A big thankyou to the fans from team KKBKKJ for the support and love on our film.”
Have a look
Last year, the actress starred in Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus opposite Ranveer Singh.
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