In a recent interview, Bigg Boss OTT 2 fame Pooja Bhatt reacted to the infamous kiss with her father Mahesh Bhatt for a magazine shoot. In a conversation with Siddharth Kannan, she was asked whether she regrets the viral kissing picture with Mahesh Bhatt. In response, Pooja replied, “No, because I see it very simple, and I think that unfortunately jo hota hai, a frozen moment can be represented and misrepresented in any way. Aur mujhe yaad hai Shah Rukh ne mujhe yeh kaha tha when you have daughters, jab hi aapke bacche chote hai, how often child just say, ‘Mummy papa give me a kiss’. And they go this way. Mai ab bhi is umar mein bhi wahi 10-pound ki bacchi hoon for my father. Vo zindagi bhar wahi rahege for me.”
Further, Pooja Bhatt revealed,” It was an innocent moment captured which has been connoted in so many ways. Jisko jo karna hai, woh karenge (people will do what they want to). I am not going to sit here and defend it. If someone can question a father-daughter bond like this, they are capable of thinking the worst.”