Surendra Matiala, a Bharatiya Janata Party leader, was shot dead at his office in the national capital’s Dwarka area on Saturday by two unidentified assailants, police said. According to police, a shooting occurred on Friday evening in the Bindapur area, where the 60-year-old man was killed.

According to police sources, two assailants wearing masks entered Matiala’s office and opened fire on the BJP leader. Before fleeing, they fired ten rounds at Matiala. According to sources, the BJP leader was declared dead at the hospital where he was rushed.

According to them, the assailants had reached the victim’s shop on a motorcycle. A third person stayed with the bike while the two suspects carried out the attack, after which they fled on the bike. Matiala’s niece and one other person present at the time of the attack were able to survive the attack because they managed to hide below a table, police said.

A police case has been registered, and an investigation has been launched. They have taken possession of the deceased’s body, and a postmortem has been conducted. The police are also scanning through the CCTV cameras in the region.

According to police sources, Matiala was involved in a property dispute, and police are also investigating that. Matiala lived in the Uttam Nagar area with his family. He was also the co-in-charge of the Najafgarh Kisan Morcha. He had also contested the MCD elections on a BJP ticket.