Aam Aadmi Party’s National Organizing Secretary and Rajya Sabha MP, Dr. Sandeep Pathak, held a meeting on Friday with officials and workers from Jind, Hisar Rural, Karnal, Karnal, and Panipat. State President of AAP, Dr. Sushil Gupta, and Senior State Vice-President Anurag Dhandha also attended.

They expressed concerns about the Haryana government’s failure in ensuring women’s safety, attributing it to the rising crimes against women, creating an atmosphere of insecurity in Haryana.

Dr. Pathak highlighted a recent alarming case in Sirsa, where 500 students from Chaudhary Devi Lal University wrote an anonymous letter to the National Commission for Women, the Chief Minister of Haryana, Governor, and Home Minister. The letter disclosed grave accusations, challenging the governance of the BJP. The ongoing ‘Change Rally’ proved successful during the recent RTI journey. A forthcoming rally is scheduled in Jind on January 28, which will witness the presence of AAP’s National Convener Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab’s Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann.

Dr. Pathak emphasized that the rally’s purpose isn’t just to gather crowds but to propagate AAP’s ideology and policies to every village inhabitant. He continued to scrutinize the Haryana government for the escalating crimes against women in the state, pointing out unsafe environments in schools and colleges. The letter mentioned serious allegations of sexual harassment against a professor, illustrating how political clout silences any dissent, exposing the politicization of these issues.