BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi and Congress MP Pramod Tiwari clashed at the India News Manch on the India-China border issue. Sudhanshu commented on the India-China border clash, saying, “The foreign minister and Indian soldiers have already discussed this on this issue. If you don’t trust these figures, then believe China’s comment that India is inside China’s border. What source will you trust if you don’t trust your government? These are the same people who asked for “Surgical Strike’s proof.”
Responding to Sudhanshu, Pramod Tiwari said, “We’re proud of Indian soldiers; they’re great. However, the opposition will be concerned if Prime Minister says, “Na koi aaya tha, na koi gaya tha” on issues related to PoK. The pictures we have from the satellite narrate a different story that we don’t want to reveal. All we ask is to listen and then put out your statement so that 135 crore citizens will be clarified.”
Sudhanshu retorted, “In the digital era, it’s easy to have morphed images. Talking about business trade with India-China, since our party came into existence, the business has grown by 35%. According to China’s people daily, China is heading towards worst diplomatic isolation after Tiannamen Square. This is how India has defeated China.”
To which, Pramod questioned, “Why do you shy away from saying the same thing in Parliament? However, we agree that the ratio in the foreign business sector has increased. But I want to ask the Prime Minister: Why doesn’t he speak on Ladakh? When will the complaint be registered? Why does PM shy away from China discussing about Ladakh?”
Sudhanshu further said, “Why doesn’t the opposition stand together with us on a national issue? There’s a protest going on in the country against Xi Jinping. China is in the worst condition, and the country has been cornered today.
Pramod Tiwari stated, “BJP is like a ship that has no breaks. Recently, the Arunachal Pradesh government confirmed that China did invade. Should we believe the government’s statement?”
Sudhanshu replied, saying, “An opposition should support us on such sensitive issues. The RSS clearly supported former Prime Minister Nehru in times of crisis when needed, even though he prohibited the organisation. When we were small, Congress used to say that only they knew how to run a government. Tell me who is capable of running a government. Learn something from the BJP, which has always been a responsible opposition.”
Pramod Tiwari further countered, “I agree that we don’t know how to be effective as an opposition, but why have you never credited us for initiating several schemes and Yojanas that Congress started long before. Moreover, we will learn how to be persuasive from you, and you too will learn how to run a government. However, since you’re so good at it, let’s switch roles and you take the opposing team’s seat.
Sudhanshu ended the debate by slamming Congress for their obsession with running the government, saying, “Rassi jal gayi bal nai gaya.”
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