Police said on Tuesday that a Rajasthan Police constable and his two friends have been arrested after a 32-year-old woman alleged they drugged and gang raped her at a hotel room in northwest Delhi Adarsh Nagar. Ajay, one of the two friends were known to the woman.Usha Rangnani, Deputy Police Commissioner (northwest) said the matter was reported on Sunday to the Adarsh Nagar police station. Rangnani added the woman told police that Ajay, 39, invited her to the hotel and the three offered her a cold drink.The woman alleged she was sexually assaulted after she became unconscious after consuming the cold drink. Rangnani said, “The woman was medically examined and her counselling was also done. On the basis of her complaint, a case of gang rape, sexual assault, and drugging was registered. All the three suspects were identified and arrested.”The police identified the other two arrested accused as 34-year-old Tara Chand, the constable, and 38-year-old Naresh. All the three accused are from Alwar, Rajasthan.
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