During the Bharatiya Janata Party’s ‘Parivartan Sankalp Yatra’ on Sunday, there was a confrontation between the police and BJP party workers and officials over the route chart as the chariot passed through Gangapur City. As soon as the chariot of the ‘Parivartan Sankalp Yatra’ moved forward from Hotel Pearl in Gangapur City and it was about to enter the city’s main route, the police administration stopped the Yatra, stating that they could not pass through the main roads of Gangapur City.
In response, the agitated BJP party workers and officials who were part of the ‘Parivartan Sankalp Yatra’ demanded to proceed through the same route, due to this, the police and party workers clashed during this dispute. Agitated BJP workers were demonstrating near Sadar police station and continuously raising slogans against the police administration and the state government.
During this time, Sukhbir Singh Jaunpuriya, Member of Parliament from Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, Manoj Rajoria, Member of Parliament from Karauli, Arun Chaturvedi, the coordinator of the journey, and Joint Coordinator Jitendra Gothwal were also present at the scene. Former MLA Manasingh Gurjar said that a route chart application had already been submitted to the district administration. Despite that, the police administration arbitrarily stopped the chariot of the ‘Parivartan Sankalp Yatra’.
The Bharatiya Janata Party issued a warning that they will proceed with the ‘Parivartan Sankalp Yatra’ through the main routes of Gangapur City. During this time, police officials tried to explain the situation to senior BJP leaders. After a prolonged negotiation, the police and the party workers reached an agreement, and the police allowed one chariot with 11 people to proceed through the main route of the city. All the other chariots and party workers were directed to follow different designated routes, after which the matter was resolved, and the BJP’s ‘Parivartan Sankalp Yatra’ continued.
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