Vatsala Gupta, the IPS SSP, held a press conference at the Kapurthala Police Lines, shedding light on a grave crime prevention campaign launched in the district. Under investigation, Raminder Singh, Police Captain Tafteesh Kapurthala; Gurmeet Singh, DSP Sahib Sub Division Kapurthala; and the Police Station Sadar Kapurthala apprehended an individual allegedly involved in the brutal murder of female temple caretakers.
SSP Vatsala Gupta revealed details concerning the filing of a report by Vijay Kumar, a tenant residing in Madhuara Tola, Thana Tataria, Materia District, Bihar. He resided in a rented accommodation at Vijay Kumar Fauji Sidhwan’s residence in Thana Sadar Kapurthala.
He reported the incident involving his wife, Sarita Devi, aged around 32 years, and Vijay Kumar Fauji Sidhwan. When they were heading to the temple, Sarita Devi was ahead while he followed. Upon reaching the temple gate, he paused, and at that moment, Harnek Singh alias Neka, son of Pyara Singh Lohia, a resident of Lohia Khas Hall, Sidhwan, attacked Sarita Devi with an iron rod, causing her to collapse unconscious, covered in blood.
The incident was reported to Thana Sadar Kapurthala, and a case under Section 302 was registered as Investigation Number 118 in Kapurthala district. Harnek Singh alias Neka, residing in Ward Number 10, Lohia Khas, Shahkot Tehsil, Jalandhar District, and currently residing in Sidhwan, was arrested.
His interrogation led to the arrest of Vijay Kumar, who was involved in the murder of temple caretaker Sarita Devi. The case has sent shockwaves through the community, raising concerns about safety and the need for stringent law enforcement measures to prevent such atrocities.
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