In coordinated efforts, the Police Headquarters Crime Branch conducted two distinct operations in the Pali and Dangiyawas police station areas of Jodhpur East district. Acting on Crime Branch information, Shivpura police station in Pali seized a cap gun from the residence of a suspected arms supplier, Puran Singh.

Simultaneously, in the Dangiyawas police station area, the Crime Branch team, assisted by DST, apprehended Ram Swaroop Devasi, recovering 2.5 kilograms of opium milk.

Additional Director General of Police Crime, Dinesh MN, stated that the Crime Branch team received intelligence about Puran Singh’s alleged involvement in illegal arms supply. The police promptly raided Puran Singh’s residence in Dhangadwas village, where they discovered an illegal country-made cap gun in an enclosure on his farm. A case has been registered against Puran Singh under the Arms Act.

In the Dangiyawas police station area, the Crime Branch, collaborating with Phalodi DST, took action against illegal drug smuggling. Ram Swaroop Devasi, carrying opium milk from Madhya Pradesh, was apprehended at Netra police station Karwad in Jodhpur.

During the operation, 2.5 kilograms of opium milk were seized from his possession. During interrogation, the accused disclosed purchasing the contraband from Bhairu Singh in Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, to deliver it to Ambaram Choudhary in Jethaniya Dechu, Falodi.