Acting on information from the Crime Branch of the CID, the Bakani Police Station team in Jhalawar district intercepted a private video coach during a checkpoint on Tuesday morning. Two smugglers were apprehended during this operation, and 20 kilograms of marijuana from Odisha were seized. The approximate international market value of the seized marijuana is around 20 lakh rupees. Additional Director General of Police Dinesh MN informed that the arrested accused are Govind Chauhan, son of Narayan Singh (25), residing in Garoda Thana, Badod, Madhya Pradesh, and Durgesh, son of Bheru Singh (19), residing in Nanora Thana, Bakani district, Jhalawar. In the initial interrogation, the accused revealed that they were transporting marijuana for Dalip Singh of Jalal Kheda in Boipariguda, Odisha.
ADG MN stated that the CID team received information that two individuals were transporting a large quantity of illegal narcotics from Odisha. For confirmation of the information, a team was formed under the supervision of Additional SP Asha Ram Chaudhary and Rajesh Malik, with Inspector Ram Singh and Subhash Singh leading. After confirming the information, SHO Bakani, Bhupesh Sharma, was briefed. A team led by him conducted a checkpoint in front of the police station on Tuesday, where two smugglers, Govind Chauhan and Durgesh, were apprehended in a private video coach, along with 20 kilograms of marijuana. The main accused, Dalip Singh, pays them Rs 10,000 each as carriers. The smugglers travel from Odisha to Rajasthan, changing several trains and buses on their journey.
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