In the investigation of the murder of Shri Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena National President Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi, the police returned to the crime scene on Tuesday with the perpetrators to collect evidence. The police recreated the scene, making both accused sit at the exact location where the crime occurred. The entire incident was then reenacted, including details such as who fired how many bullets.
NIA and Jaipur teams took the charge
The NIA teams from Delhi and Jaipur are set to investigate the Gogamedi murder case. Jaipur Police Commissioner Biju George Joseph will brief NIA officials on the progress of the investigation. On Tuesday, the Jaipur Police’s senior officer team visited Gogamedi’s residence with the primary suspects linked to the murder.
Reenactment of the whole incident
Under high security, Nitin Fauji and Rohit Rathore were brought to the scene. They were made to sit on the same sofa they occupied during the incident. Dummies representing Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi and Naveen Singh Shekhawat were placed in front of them, and the entire incident was reenacted according to the scheduled timeline. During this process, officers inquired about the sequence of events.
While reconstructing the scene, the police sought information on who was fired upon first, who fired from the opposing side, the number of rounds fired at Gogamedi and Naveen, and the bullets discharged upon exiting the room. The police are meticulously investigating every detail. FSL Director Ajay Sharma stated that recreating the incident at the location with both accused individuals was aimed at gathering information to bolster the case with evidence.
The arrest of 5 suspects, including a woman
Thus far, the police have arrested five individuals, including a woman, in connection with the case. The investigation into the woman apprehended on Monday night is ongoing in Kota and Jaipur.
3 shooters initially planned the murder but were arrested in Haryana
Contrary to the involvement of Rohit Rathore and Nitin Fauji, three shooters from the Lawrence gang were initially selected for Gogamedi’s murder. However, they were arrested for firing at the police during the crime. The Mahendragarh police detained them and sent them to Bhondsi jail in Gurgaon. These shooters were Bhavani Singh alias Ronnie, Rahul, and Sumit. Additionally, Nitin Fauji, who was on leave from the army that day, became implicated. He had gone into hiding but stayed in contact with his friend Bhavani Singh, who was in jail.
According to police sources, Bhavani Singh, while in Bhondsi jail, conspired for the Gogamedi massacre once again. Nitin Fauji, on the run, contacted gangsters Rohit Godara and Virendra. They convinced Nitin Fauji to commit the crime, promising to arrange his travel to Canada with a fake passport.
Woman arrested in connection to Shooter Nitin Fauji
In the ongoing investigation of the Gogamedi murder, a woman associated with the criminal network, Pooja Saini, was arrested on Monday. The arrested accused, Pooja Saini, was living in Jaipur under a false name, Pooja Batra, along with her husband, Mahendra Kumar Meghwal, who is currently absconding.
Police Commissioner Biju George Joseph revealed that Pooja Saini and her husband were involved in arms smuggling for shooter Nitin Fauji. Mahendra Kumar Meghwal, a history sheeter from Kota, is currently on the run. Nitin Fauji arrived in Jaipur on November 28 and stayed at Mahendra Meghwal’s flat in Jagatpura for a week. Pooja, in coordination with Mahendra, provided support to Nitin during his stay. Mahendra Kumar is currently evading arrest along with a cache of weapons. The police are actively searching for him.