The Delhi Police on Thursday moved the Delhi High Court against the Trial Court order passed on 18 August 2021 discharging Congress leader Shashi Tharoor in connection with the Sunanda Pushkar death case. The Delhi police had accused Tharoor of abetment to suicide and cruelty against Pushkar, who was found dead in a luxury hotel in Delhi in 2014.
The Delhi Police has returned to the Delhi High Court after a 15-month absence.Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma issued notice to Shashi Tharoor on an application moved by the Delhi Police seeking ‘condonation of delay’ in filing the revision petition. The court fixed the matter for February 7, 2023.
Senior Advocate Vikas Pahwa appeared for Shashi Tharoor and apprised the court that, during the course of the trial, various orders were passed by the lower courts and HC where the records of this case must not be shared with anyone.
Tharoor was represented by Senior Advocate Pahwa and lawyer Gaurav Gupta.
Public prosecutor Atul Kumar Srivastava was representing the Delhi Police in trial court in the matter.
Pushkar was found dead in a suite of a luxury hotel in the city on the night of January 17, 2014.
According to the Police, Shashi Tharoor, was the main accused in the matter.
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