A day after a Delhi court extended the police custody of Aaftab Amin Poonawalla, the accused in the horrific Shraddha Murder case, Delhi police officials are making efforts to retrieve chats between Aftab and Shraddha, and others during the period of the crime.
According to sources connected with the Delhi Police’s technical investigation cell, the Delhi Police is attempting to recover chats between Aaftab and Shraddha and others during the time of the crime. The police may also request that the accused’s social networking and messaging application platforms share chat details.
Telecom operators will be written to, in order to trace the past locations of Shraddha and Aaftab’s cell phones, before and after 18 May, the day of the murder, they said.
“Investigators may approach Google to retrieve the internet history of Aaftab,” they added.
The police have yet to find the weapon used by the accused to chop the body. The stuff recovered from the house has been sent for forensic examination, according to the sources.
The accused, Aaftab Amin Poonawalla, was on Thursday produced before a Delhi court through video conferencing after five days in custody. The court extended his police custody for another five days.
Aaftab is accused of strangling his live-in partner, Shraddha Walker, and chopping her body into 35 pieces.
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