Mumbai police detained the Congress leaders, who were protesting against Gautam Adani, outside the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Wednesday in Maharashtra’s Mumbai.
The Congress leaders were protesting against the alleged financial fraud and corruption done by Adani Group. In a video, the Congress leader Bhai Jagtap is being dragged by Mumbai Police and then lifted by a few policemen and detained.
“If he (Gautam Adani) is wrong then take action against him, we have never supported wrong,” said Bhai Jagtap.
Earlier on 27 February, Congress announced block-level agitations across the country from 6 March to April against the BJP government over the Adani-Hindenburg row. Congress general secretary in-charge organisation K C Venugopal said the party has decided to intensify its agitation and will hold ‘PARDAFASH’ rallies in March and April against Adani and organise agitational activities at various levels in the country to take the issue directly to the people.
The party has directed all Pradesh Congress Committees (PCCs) to arrange press conferences in all districts which will be addressed by senior state leaders, and subsequently, all state units will organise the agitational activities at various levels, Venugopal said.
Venugopal said the report of Hinderburg and said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been selling the country’s important infrastructure to the Adani group.