The Crime Branch of Chandigarh Police has successfully apprehended four members of an inter-state theft gang, including three thieves and a goldsmith. The arrested individuals have been identified as Devinder Kumar, a resident of Gurunanak Enclave, Dhakoli, Zirakpur, Punjab, who was captured in Bhopal; Mo. Hasan Ansari, hailing from village-Basaithi, police station-Bausi, district-Araria, Bihar; Mohd. Nasir Hussain, son of Arif Shaik and resident of Madanpur, Khadar, Extension Savita Vihar, South Delhi; and Alfaz Malik from Bhangar Mohalla, Madanpur Khadar, Sarita Vihar, Delhi. Alfaz Malik, working as a goldsmith, had previously been arrested by the Aurangabad Police for purchasing stolen gold.
The police recovered stolen items from the homes of the accused. The modus operandi of the gang involved raiding locked houses and committing thefts. The gang operated across various states, including Bhopal, Bihar, Delhi, and Chandigarh. DSP Crime Udaypal Singh and Inspector Ashok Kumar provided information, stating that the police team successfully arrested these interstate criminals.
The arrests led to the resolution of two theft cases in Chandigarh—one at house no. 451, Sector-35A, where jewelry and cash were stolen after breaking the locks, and another at the residence of Pritish Goyal in Sector-22 C, Chandigarh, where cash and jewelry worth lakhs were stolen on the intervening night. A special team, led by Crime Branch SI Suresh Kumar, achieved success by arresting the first accused, Devinder Kumar. Devinder was exposed after obtaining police remand from the court.
Subsequently, Mohd. Hasan Ansari was arrested in Bihar, leading to the recovery of cash and gold/diamond jewelry. In the course of further investigation, the second accused, Mohd. Nasir Hussain, was also apprehended in Bihar. Both accused individuals were presented in court, and police remand was obtained. During the remand, goldsmith Alfaz Malik was arrested in Delhi, and tools used for house demolition were also recovered from the accused.
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