In a significant breakthrough, local law enforcement successfully apprehended two thieves involved in separate incidents of theft, recovering a stolen Activa and various other items. The arrests were made following a thorough investigation, with the police identifying the culprits as 25-year-old Sanjeev Vaid from Chandigarh and 40-year-old Rajan Chaudhary from Derabassi.
The stolen Activa, taken from Govind Vihar, and a Zen car, pilfered from Balaji Colony, have been successfully retrieved by the police. Additionally, the thieves were found to be responsible for several other thefts, including the theft of iron and various items from multiple locations. According to SP Dr. Darpan Ahluwalia, the arrested individuals were driven by drug addiction, using the stolen items to finance their habit.
Providing further details on the case, SP Dr. Ahluwalia revealed that Sanjeev Kumar, with a criminal history, has multiple cases registered against him in different locations. A case has been officially registered against both suspects, and a comprehensive investigation is now underway. In a related development, a 50-year-old scrap dealer, identified as Anirudh from Zirakpur, was also arrested for purchasing stolen goods from the aforementioned thieves. The apprehension of the scrap dealer adds another layer to the ongoing investigation, as law enforcement continues to unravel the network of individuals involved in criminal activities. The police are committed to taking further action in this case, ensuring that all those involved in the thefts face the consequences of their actions. The successful operation highlights the dedication and efficiency of the local law enforcement in maintaining the safety and security of the community.