Lucknow Police has arrested a man who was allegedly seen in a viral video shot in the Hazratganj area where allegedly he along with a young girl was seen making out on board a scooter on the move along a busy Uttar Pradesh capital road.
Melania Trump reflects on the ease of her second move to the White House. Residence…
Mukesh and Nita Ambani attended a pre-inauguration dinner in Washington, posing with Donald Trump and…
As Coldplay fans shared concert moments online, an X user advised those feeling left out…
Perplexity AI has proposed merging with TikTok U.S. to form a new entity, addressing the…
An FIR has been registered against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi in Guwahati, Assam, over his…
Google informed the EU that it will not integrate fact-checking into search results or YouTube…