A wanted criminal usually carries a cash reward from a few thousand to a few lakhs, but an accused in Rajasthan carries a reward of 50 paise, officials on Tuesday said. The message behind this is that the status of the accused in society is worth 50 paise, which is not even in circulation, they said.

Jhunjhunu Superintendent of Police (SP) Devendra Vishnoi has done a new experiment and issued a letter in this regard on Monday. A reward of 50 paise has been announced for catching Yogesh Meghwal, who is wanted in a case of arms act registered with the Singhana Police Station.

“A reward of 50 paise will be given to the team that arrests the accused or the person who gives correct information regarding this wanted to be accused,” Vishnoi said in the order.

When contacted, the SP said that it was done to give a clear and positive message in society that the worth or status of criminals in society is worth 50 paise.

This comes as the police have not been able to catch the accused despite much effort.