On Thursday, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman declared that 78 lakh street vendors nationwide would now be eligible for loan assistance through PM SVANIDHI, a flagship program that focuses on street vendors.

“PM SVANIDHI has provided credit assistance to 78 lakh street vendors, from that total, 2.3 lakh have received credit for the third time PM JANMAN Yojana reaches out Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups PM Vishakarma Yojana provides end to end support to artisans and craftspeople Scheme for empowerment of Divyang and transgender people reflects our resolve to leave no one behind,” the Finance Minister said while presenting the interim Budget 2024-25

She said that the Prime Minister’s Street Vendor’s Atma Nirbhar Nidhi, or PM SVANIDHI, has been essential in giving financial support to the street vending community, enabling them to sustain and grow their businesses. Notably, out of this total, 2.3 lakh street vendors have received credit for the third time, showcasing the success and sustainability of the scheme.

Sitharaman also discussed the effects of PM JANMAN Yojana, which focuses on Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), in addition to PM SVANIDHI. By providing them with possibilities for socioeconomic development and support, the project seeks to empower these underprivileged populations.
Additionally, the Finance Minister emphasized the PM Vishakarma Yojana, which aims to offer complete assistance to artists and craftspeople. This program recognizes the value of maintaining and advancing traditional crafts, which helps the artisan community as a whole flourish.

Another significant mention in the Interim Budget was the Scheme for the Empowerment of Divyang (Persons with Disabilities) and transgender people.

Sitharaman, who also emphasized the necessity for inclusive policies that take into account the particular difficulties these communities confront.
Through chances for work, education, and general societal integration, the program seeks to empower Divyang and transgender people and integrate them into society.