In Nashik, Maharashtra, on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted a road show. Both sides of the street were crowded with happy people who waved and showered the prime minister’s motorcade with flowers. Within the Prime Minister’s motorcade were Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Ministers Ajit Pawar and Devendra Fadnavis. Later in the day, the prime minister will start a number of state-wide development projects after leading prayers at the Shree Kalaram Mandir downtown. At the 27th National Youth Festival, the Prime Minister will give a speech and open it. About a lakh young people will hear him speak. The youth of the nation will make a promise during the event, which will highlight their strength.
This year, National Youth Day will be celebrated by all field organisations of the Department of Youth Affairs in districts pan-India in collaboration with multiple Government departments. ‘MY Bharat’ volunteers throughout the country, with support from NSS units, NYKS and many educational institutions will coordinate their energies to carry out activities to volunteer for India. Youth Clubs will also bring their vibrant energy to the celebration, ensuring a truly inclusive atmosphere. More than 88,000 volunteers will participate in the campaign.
The Prime Minister then travels to Mumbai where he will inaugurate the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu, built at a cost of about Rs 17,840 crore. Atal Setu is the longest bridge and also the longest sea bridge in the country.
During the visit, the Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone of underground road tunnel connecting Eastern Freeway’s Orange Gate and launch Namo Mahila Shashaktikaran Abhiyaan in the state.
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