Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Jaipur starting from Friday is considered important in many ways. Although this visit of the PM is regarding a three-day conference of DG and IG rank officers from across the country, this visit is being considered very important from the party’s point of view.
There are indications that the portfolios of ministers will be allocated only after the visit of Prime Minister Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah to Jaipur.

This visit of Prime Minister Modi is special also because his strategy was responsible for the party’s victory in the assembly elections. He continuously surprises the entire party with his decisions. While Bhajan Lal Sharma, who became MLA for the first time in Rajasthan, was made the Chief Minister, many new faces have been given a chance in his team.

It has been more than a month since Bhajan Lal became the Chief Minister, however, the government is still not able to gain momentum in terms of work.Two factors are responsible for this- one is that the entire focus of the party is now on the Lok Sabha elections. Secondly, the high command in Delhi does not want to decide portfolios in a hurry which will give the opposition any chance to raise questions. Now in such a situation, all eyes will be on what message Prime Minister Modi will give to the party leaders on Friday.

It is clear that the party will contest the Lok Sabha elections in the face of Prime Minister Modi. The second major issue will be Ram Temple. Currently, the BJP is not seeing any challenge in the situation prevailing in the country.

That is why the BJP high command is relaxed and is not taking any stress in party-ruled states. Its priority remains the program of January 22 in Ayodhya.
It is possible that the Prime Minister may give a message to the leaders and workers of Rajasthan given the Ayodhya campaign and the Lok Sabha elections. Home Minister Amit Shah will also be accompanying him.