Two days after the Lok Sabha poll results were announced, newly elected MPs gathered at the Parliament in New Delhi. The NDA parliamentary meeting saw the presence of PM Narendra Modi, UP CM Yogi Adityanath, and actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut, among others. A video from the meeting, showing PM Modi patting the back of CM Yogi, has taken the internet by storm. One factor that has captured everyone’s attention is that three decades ago, the then PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee made a similar gesture towards the then BJP Karyakarta Modi.
The clip depicts PM Modi patting the back of the UP CM as they greet each other. Yogi also bows down to show respect to the PM. This gesture from the Prime Minister towards Yogi Adityanath is seen as a significant message to those who speculated that all is not well between the two BJP stalwarts.
Netizens were quick to draw parallels between the viral clip and one from the past, which showed a similar interaction between Modi and Vajpayee. The latter shows Vajpayee hugging and patting the back of PM Modi, who was just a BJP Kryakarta (worker) back then.
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