Himachal Pradesh Aam Aadmi Party chief Surjit Thakur on Thursday took a dig at the BJP over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s frequent visits to the state and said that it is a reflection of the ruling party’s failure to fulfil the
poll promises.
Thakur claimed that the BJP is trying to make the Assembly elections in Himachal, slated to be held later this year, Modi versus others. Speaking to ANI, Thakur said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting the state frequently ahead of the elections here. He only comes and makes false promises during the polls and forgets about them. This shows that they are trying to make the election as Modi versus others. It shows that the state BJP government has completely failed and CM Jairam Thakur could not fulfil the promises made.”
The AAP leader alleged that the BJP and Congress are “hand in glove” with each other.
“Both Congress and BJP are hand in glove with each other before elections. After the elections, the Congress leaders will join the BJP. So whosoever the voters vote for, whether they vote for Congress or BJP they would be forming BJP’s government in the state,” he said.
He appealed to the people of the state to vote for a “strong alternative”.
“I appeal to the people of the state to vote for a strong alternative, that is, the Aan Aadmi Party. We shall work for the welfare of common people in the state,” he said.