The BJP on Sunday termed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visits to France and the UAE “successful” and said they were not just “high on optics” but also “high on substantive outcomes”.
Prime Minister Modi on Saturday returned after “successful” visits to France and the United Arab Emirates.
“The prime minister’s visits to France and UAE were successful and outcome positive,” Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri told reporters at the BJP headquarters here.
It has been “India flavour and India story” in many parts of the world since the prime minister embarked on an official visit to the US, Australia, Egypt, France, the UAE and Japan starting in May, Puri said.
“Certainly, all of these visits have very positive outcomes in both bilateral and multilateral arena,” he said.
“In terms of both the sheer momentum of our exchanges with the outside world and also the kind of events which are planned for the coming weeks leading up to the G20 summit, I think it is India flavour and India story in many parts of the world,” he added.
Speaking about the prime minister’s visit to France, he said, “This was not just a visit which was high on optics but it was also high on substantive outcomes. More than that, it also provides the grounds for cooperation in the next 25 years.”