According to an official release, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Chitrakoot in the Satna district of Madhya Pradesh on Friday to participate in events at the Shri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust. After arriving in Chitrakoot at 1:45 pm, Modi will attend prayers at Raghubir Mandir, the Shri Ram Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, lay flowers at the late Arvind Bhai Mafatlal’s “samadhi,” and open the Jankikund Chikitsalaya’s new wing.
The PM is scheduled to attend a public event commemorating the centennial of the birth of the late Arvind Bhai Mafatlal.Ranchhoddasji Maharaj, who founded the Shri Sadhguru Seva Sangh Trust in 1968, served as an inspiration for Mafatlal.
“The Prime Minister will also visit Tulsi Peeth. At around 3.15 pm, he will perform pooja and darshan at Kanch Mandir and seek blessings of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya of the Tulsi Peeth. He will attend a public function where he will release three books, namely Ashtadhyayi Bhashya, Ramanandacharya Charitam and Bhagwan Shri Krishna ki Rashtraleela,” .
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