Union Home Minister Amit Shah left for Delhi, on Tuesday morning, after a three-day visit to Gujarat. Now Prime Minister Narendra Modi is coming to Gujarat on 16 July. PM Modi will inaugurate the Aquatic and Robotic Gallery, and Nature Park in Science City, Ahmedabad. He will also inaugurate the newly constructed hotel near Gandhinagar railway station. Assembly elections are to be held in Gujarat in 2022 and it seems that the BJP has started preparations owing to the Aam Aadmi Party’s interest in the state.
In April, there was the Covid-19 pandemic’s second wave and in the last phase of the Bengal Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi suspended campaigning. For the first time since then, he will be holding public visits and tours in Gujarat.
PM Modi will inaugurate some projects at Science City. The Aquatic Gallery features cam show-type aquatic animals. The Robotic Gallery showcases how and where robots can be used in our daily activities. Also, a large nature park has been set up.
With the development of the Gandhinagar railway station, a modern hotel has been constructed there. Reportedly, Rs 330 crore has been spent on the seven-storey hotel with four presidential suites, which will also be inaugurated by PM Modi. Besides this, projects of various ministries of the Government of India will also be inaugurated and finalised by the Prime Minister.
It is to be noted that all the four zones of Gujarat have got ministerial posts in the recent cabinet expansion of PM Modi’s government. With the BJP winning all 26 parliamentary seats in Gujarat, four out of 26 MPs from Gujarat and three members of the Rajya Sabha have been given ministerial posts including a key post from North Gujarat, that is Union Home Minister Amit Shah, while Parshottam Rupala, Mansukh Mandaviya and Dr Mahendra Munjpara have been included. Rupala and Mandaviya have been promoted to Cabinet Ministers on merit, while Darshana Jardosh, a woman MP from South Gujarat, and Devusinh Chauhan from Central Gujarat have been given the post of Union Ministers.
With regards to Gujarat’s upcoming 2022 elections, the caste equation of the ministers included in the Union Cabinet has also been observed in which two Patidars and three OBCs have got a place. Political activities in Gujarat have intensified since June. Especially since the AAP became active, the BJP has also started preparations for the 2022 Assembly elections. After Arvind Kejriwal’s visit in June, AAP workers have started digging in Gujarat, while after BJP state in-charge Bhupendra Yadav and Amit Shah’s visit, BJP leaders, workers, MLAs and ministers were ordered to go among the people. The government has started the inauguration, closing, and approval of 113 developers one after another.
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