On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the first instalment to one lakh beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin under the Pradhan Mantri Tribal Justice Maha Abhiyan (PM-Janman). He interacted with the beneficiaries of PM-Janman through video conferencing.
Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma also participated in the program through video conferencing from Panchayat Samiti Talwara of Banswara. On this occasion, MP Kanakamal Katara, Garhi MLA Kailash Meena and other public representatives and officials were also present.
PM-Jan Man was launched on November 15, 2023, on the occasion of Tribal Pride Day. It started with the mission of reaching out to the last person in the row and working to uplift the marginalised community. It was an extension of the vision of Antyodaya to empower the vulnerable tribal groups and help socio-economic welfare and growth thereby, paving the path for their inclusive growth and development.
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